Aug 27, 2008

And we interrupt this pity party for...

I'm over here today

Have you ever had one of those days where you decided to throw yourself a big pity party? You didn’t invite anyone but before you could really get into your pity party an uninvited guest showed up? Well this happened to me at the beginning of the summer…
Do stop by Laced With Grace to continue reading.

Aug 22, 2008

Where did summer go?

Can anyone tell me why summer vacation days disappear so quickly?

On Monday, after a delightful, relaxing summer vacation, I'll be returning to something that looks like this...


I'll have a few days to get it looking something like this...

Because the following Monday I'll be welcoming a new class of smiling faces similar to this...

How was your summer vacation?

Aug 9, 2008

A Sunflower's Tale

I'm over here today

Do stop by.

Aug 4, 2008

Fairy Tale

The Bible’s just a fairytale,
So many people say
We don’t accept those fables
In our modern world today
The creation, crucifixion and
The resurrection too
Is completely unbelievable to
us educated folk

Well maybe I’m “uneducated”
Or just a “foolish girl”
But I believe the Bible,
Every single written word
I’d rather believe a fable and
Find that it’s untrue
Than to not believe at all
And find too late, it’s true
Wouldn’t you???