Aug 30, 2010

Book Review ... Cast of Characters by Max Lucado

I think I recognize these people… that’s the thought that came to mind as I read Max Lucado’s book Cast of Characters. I enjoyed the way he showed biblical characters that I’ve read about from I was a child in a more human and relatable way. The way he used personal stories alongside that of the characters made the book a more interesting read.

I love that the book sometimes asks questions… almost like an imaginary interview like, “Joseph, did you and Jesus arm wrestle.” Sections like that made me smile because I enjoy thinking of our biblical heroes as men and women just like us.

I silently cheered are I read about Mephibosheth… to go from having nothing, living in the shadows to sitting at the kings table.

As I read through the book each chapter and each character presented had something that tugged at my heartstrings, inspired me or simply made me reflect on my life and spiritual walk.

I like the fact that each chapter of the book ended with questions for reflections and discussion because it made me dig a little deeper into God’s word.

I love Max Lucado’s conversational style of writing and thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.

Aug 23, 2010

Do You Read the Instructions?

A few days ago I was preparing to laminate some pictures for my classroom on my new laminating machine. I waited for it to warm up, put the first picture in the laminating sheet and tried to feed it through the machine. It refused to go through. I tried again several times but to no avail. By this time I was both frustrated and panicked. I had purchased the laminating machine in Florida so it wasn’t as if I could jump in my car and return it to the store if it was defective.

As I sat there frustrated and just a tad bit upset, I heard that still, small voice saying, “read the instructions.” So I pulled out the instructions (like I should have done in the first place.) As I looked at the instructions I realized that I was trying to feed the paper through the wrong end. Yep, I went through at least 15 minutes of frustration because I was too impatient to take two minutes and read the instructions.

“If you want to know the purpose of a thing, you ask the manufacturer. Dr. Myles Munroe

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11 KJV
So many times in life we experience frustrations because we don’t want to take the time to see what the instruction manual says. Every problem we will ever encounter God has addressed in the instruction manual he left us called the Bible. Unfortunately, many times we just skim the surface and don’t really internalize his word. However, the only way we will really have a meaningful relationship with God and understand what His purpose is for our lives is if we take time out of our busy schedules to study his word.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV
My prayer today is that I would not try to navigate life on my own strength but that I would always consult the instruction manual that the creator has left in place for me. It makes life so much easier.

Previously published at Laced With Grace August 23, 2007. 

Aug 3, 2010

The Secret Place

I'm over here today.

Are you living your life in a hurry, spending each day on the run Do you make big decisions, without a clear vision, just hoping the God’s will is done ?

Stop by Laced With Grace to read the rest of my post.