Aug 31, 2009

Back to School

Dear Girls,

The carefree, fun filled days of summer are over and it’s back to school time again! I’ve been back since last week working in my classroom and making it beautiful for a new group of fourth graders. However, today will be their first day back.

After a long, relaxing summer vacation I’m excited to be back in the classroom doing what I enjoy most… teaching.

What about you? Are you excited to be back to school? Parents, are you excited to get them out of the house?

I’ll post a bit more later this week.

Let's have a great school year!
God bless,

Aug 14, 2009

Touched by an Angel

Touched by an angel,
What does it mean?
It’s when a life is touched
So it’s no longer the same

It’s when hope is offered
Where it seems there is none
Joy and happiness is offered
Where depression is found

It’s when the lonely is befriended
And showed the way
To the friend of all friends,
The Lord Jesus Christ

Touched by an angel
Has it been said of you?
That you reached out a hand,
And helped to turn a life around?

I wrote this poem years ago when the show Touched by an Angel was on television. Sometimes we think we have to do big deeds to make a difference in someone’s life. However, there are times when a simple hug, smile, listening ear or word of encouragement (spoken or written) can totally change someone’s day in a positive way.

Have you been someone's angel today?

Aug 10, 2009

The View Outside

I visited a friend recently and I just had to take a photo of the gorgeous view she has outside her back door. You can sit by her doorway and feel the most beautiful breeze, (God’s own air conditioning). I’ve had many opportunities to enjoy the view as I visited with her.

When I stopped by last week I was reminded by her daughter of what I usually did when I visited… It’s so embarrassing, but even though I enjoyed the company, the beautiful breeze usually lulled me to sleep and I’d wake up maybe half an hour later to find myself alone on the couch.

Wouldn’t you agree that I’m the most undemanding guest and my friend and her family the nicest of hosts? :)

"Friendship, said Christopher Robin, is a very comforting thing to have."
-A.A. Milne

Aug 4, 2009

Summers are for Spending Time With God

Without meaning to I seem to have started a “Summers are for…” series:).

The best thing about summer vacations is the fact that I have more time to spend with my heavenly father. Although I have set time to spend with God when I’m working, summer vacation gives me bonus time to spend with Him and I do try to take advantage of it.

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16

If we look at the example that Jesus set for us you’ll notice that He always found time to talk to His heavenly father. Spending time with God for me means spending time reading and studying His word and spending time in prayer.

As a teenager reading and studying the Bible took effort, for but it wasn’t as difficult as prayer sometimes was. I mean, how do you talk to the God of the universe? What do you say to Him on a daily basis? However, I remember my mother would always tell me, “Bernie, prayer is just talking to God. Talk to him just like you’d talk to me or you talk to your friends. He just wants you to talk to him.” Those words freed me. Okay, I don’t quite talk to God like when my best girlfriends and I are gabbing away but I do talk to Him, all the time.

What I love about God is that I can talk to Him about anything and everything, and I do talk to him about every little thing. I even talk to him about those times when I can’t get my hair done just the way I want it :). There is nothing too big or too small for me to take to him.

Summers are usually my times of refreshing, spiritually, mentally and physically… Did I mention I love summer (minus the extremely high temperature of course)?

What do you love about summer?