Mar 2, 2006

Are you Making Today Count?

On Thursday, last week I awaken to the sound of my sister crying. I was dismayed to find that our cousin had died during the night. She had been suffering from breast cancer but we all had faith that she would be healed... however, God knows best.

My cousin's passing brought home to me my own mortality and the fact that tomorrow is not promised to me hence I have to make sure that my today count. I have to make sure that I am doing the things that God wants me to do. Yes I know that absent from this body (to a Christian) is present with the Lord but I don't want to stand before him until I've finished the course that he has set for me.

My cousin was a vibrant, cheerful, fun-loving, godly woman. I believe that in her 37 years she touched many lives. I believe that she completed the course that God had set for her. I don't think that she would return to this earth even if she had the opportunity. I want to leave behind my cousin's type of testimony that I touched lives in a positive way.

February 3, 2004

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