Mar 2, 2006

Silly, Fanciful Me

August 1 2004

Bible Verse How great you are, O sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you. 2 Samuel 7:22

Sometimes the silly, fanciful girl in me wonders what my life would have been like if I had chosen another path. If I had not become a Christian at the age of 16, what type of choices would I have made? Where would I have been at this moment? The mature woman in me is thankful that I never have to find out. God saw my future without Him and how bleak it would have been and he saved me from myself and all the silly, dumb choices I would have made.

He is indeed the love of my life and the hope that I cling too. I cannot imagine life without him. I cannot imagine waking up one morning and not feeling his presence. I can’t imagine going through one single day without him. He is my everything. I am just so grateful that he saw something that was worth saving in me. In fact he sees something worth saving in all of us. My prayer is that this week I will share him and how much he means to me with someone.

February 19, 2004

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