Sep 11, 2006

My 9-11 Poem

Today I Remember

Today I remember,
What seems like yesterday.
A day of pain and despair,
That seemed too hard to bear.

I remember seeing grown men cry
While terrified people ran wildly by.
I remember grief stricken people holding signs
Hoping their loved ones they would find.

Today I remember
What seems like yesterday
A day when the whole world felt the pain
Of a single act of hate.

I remember with a sadden tearful heart,
Seeing desperate people jump,
From rapidly burning buildings,
With no hope of surviving the plunge

Today I remember
What seems like yesterday
A day when the whole world
Got down on its knees and prayed.

I remember that for a moment
No one was a stranger, we all became one,
United, together, sister, brother, friend
No one stood alone

Today I remember,
But I will not cry
God is in complete control
And He is on our side.

by Bernadine J. McIntosh
Written September 11, 2002

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