Jun 20, 2007

What a Girl Needs

Part one A girl needs: A relationship with Jesus Christ

What exactly does a girl need? If you watch the television or read the latest magazines you'd probably come to the conclusion that a girl needs lots of money to buy the latest fashions. Maybe, you'd decide that a girl needs jewelry, nails done etc. You'd probably also think that a girl needs to be surrounded by lots of friends and that a girl needs to be able to make her own decisions and do her own thing. Furthermore, you'd probably think that a girl needed a guy...

I'm not going to go as far as to say that a girl doesn't need these things but I don’t think they should be the most important items on a girl’s agenda.

First and foremost I think that a girl needs to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. The word of God says in Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (NIV) Having a relationship with Jesus Christ simply means inviting him to forgive you of your sins, come into your heart and be Lord of your life. Accepting him creates in you a desire to change to become a better person.

I remember the proudest moment of my life when I accepted Christ as a teenager was when my mother told me a few weeks later, "Bernie I know you got saved, I can see a change in you. According to her, there was a change from my sometimes, surly attitude especially when I was called upon to chores *blushing*.

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t suddenly become the perfect teenager (my siblings can attest to this). I still made mistakes but I knew that in Christ I’d always find forgiveness. Seventeen years later Christ is still the number one man in my life. He guides my decisions and because of him I make much less mistakes than I would have trying to navigate life on my own (If I'd only listen to him more I'd make even less mistakes).

So while I do agree that there are many things a girl needs, as you can tell, I firmly believe that a relationship with Jesus Christ is key. The strange thing is when you truly have a relationship with him some of the things that you may think that a girl’s just gotta have may no longer seem so important.

Be on the lookout for the next issue of GT, for part two in this series.

Part 2 A girl needs: Parental Guidance

Girl Talk Magazine
June/August 2007

Jun 18, 2007

Times of Refreshing

I wrote a piece on Solitude in December for the Carnival of Beauty and I thought I'd repost it since it fit the quote for this week's In Other Words.

Maybe it stems from being number eight in a brood of eight. Maybe it’s because growing up in a large family I’ve always had to “fight” for time alone. Maybe it’s because at times I just enjoy my own company. Whatever the reason, from the time I was a child until this very moment I have always craved, seek and fought for my moments of solitude.

I enjoy being able to be alone to reflect, to meditate on the word of God, to curl up and visit old friends through the pages of a good book, listen to music, sing dance or just sit and enjoy the silence and the peacefulness of my self-imposed solitude.

I find that the times of solitude is a necessity in my life. It gives me time to rejuvenate when I’ve given all I can for a time. It helps me to reflect on some of the blessings in my life, family, friends, possessions, peace of mind, health strength… It also renews me for when it’s all over.

I’ve also found out that one of the most beautiful thing about solitude is knowing that when I want it to end all I have to do is take a walk outside or simply pick up the phone and dial a number. That’s the beauty of solitude; knowing that it isn’t forever. Friends, family, company are only a phone call away.


Note... Although I love my times of solitude there have been times when I've battled loneliness, still do. However I've learnt even in my times of loneliness to reach out to my heavenly Father. Afterall, He's promised never to leave me alone.

"As Christians, we are called to convert our loneliness into solitude. We are called to experience our aloneness not as a wound but as a gift--as God's gift--so that in our aloneness we might discover how deeply we are loved by God."

~ Henri Nouwen ~

Visit Christine at Fruit in Season for more thoughts on this week's quote.

Jun 17, 2007

A peek into my journal

For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?
But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently
Romans 8:24-25

On Sunday I talked to my Sunday school class on the subject of communication. We talked a lot about teens and parents communicating with each other. However, no matter what I said I could not get my class to believe that they could have good communication with their parents if they'd put a little effort into it. Without exception all of my students (about ten) said they did not believe it could happen. My word to them was, unless you change your talk it will not happen because you have already closed your mind to the possibility that it can happen.

So many times I do the same thing. When God promises me something, close my mind to the possibility that it can happen for me. However not any more, I choose to live with the belief that those things I hope for but cannot see will come to pass.

March 9, 2005

Jun 14, 2007

Prom on Grand Bahama

From colorful airborne balloons released from impressively decorated vehicles to reenactments of the Cinderella and Prince Charming scene, from delightful paige boys and shy flower girls escorting elegantly dressed couples, to energetic trumpeters, dashing dancing, young men and charming young ladies… Prom time on Grand Bahama is usually quite a show. Hundreds of spectators line the sidewalks to watch prom goers make their entrance. They are always in for a treat and show their appreciation for the free show by their awe struck oohs, aahs and loud applause.

Young ladies choose their dresses weeks and sometimes months in advance. On the day of the prom they usually spend most of the day in the beauty salon getting hair, nails and makeup done, wanting to look their best for the grand event. Unfortunately many do not really enjoy the prom because they get so caught up on preparing for the event that they're often too tired to enjoy it.

So a word of advice to you who are planning your prom, remember that it's all about you! Relax! You don't have to impress anyone. It's your prom, enjoy! Have some good clean fun with your friends. Also remember, prom usually is a celebration that signals the end of your high school career. However, it also signals the beginning of something... your life as an adult. Consequently, don't make a decision at the end of one stage of your life that will negatively influence the beginning of the next stage. Don't begin your new life as an adult with a mind that has been clouded with alcohol. You can have fun without it. Your future looks bright! Don't mess it up by choosing to drink or have sex on Prom night. Have fun then go home and dream about the future...college, a great career, your own business, a family of your own... the possibilities are endless.

Seeing that tomorrow night is prom night for several graduates whose photos frequent the pages of Girl Talk I thougth I'd post this old GT article again.

Congratulations Ladies, have fun at the prom.

Girl Talk Magazine
June/Aug 02

Jun 12, 2007

Walking by faith...

“Faith never knows where it is being led,
but it loves and knows the One who is leading.”
~ Oswald Chambers ~

Eighteen years ago in a dusty little library at my old high school I went weeping as an invitation was given to accept Christ as Lord and Savior of my life. I didn’t know what the future would bring but I had faith in the one I had fully entrusted my heart to. I knew his love would lead me in the right path and it did.

About thirteen years ago I left home to go to college to follow my lifelong dream of becoming a teacher. I had enough money to get through one semester. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through three years but I had faith in Jehovah Jireh and he didn’t let me down.

About five our six years ago I went through a serious period of depression that I thought I would never recover from. The only thing that kept me sane what my relationship with Jesus Christ. No matter how bleak things got, not matter how difficult I kept my eyes on him and guess what... the love of Jehovah Shalom brought me through.

Three years ago I walked nervously into a bank to see if I could qualify for a mortgage for a home. I barely had any money saved but I had faith in God. Because of his provision I have been living in my own home for a year and a half.

These are just a few examples of God’s guiding presence in my life after I entrusted it into His care. Life has not been perfect, far from it. It has not been without struggles, disappointments and pain. However my Savior has been with me every step of the way. Because of His guiding presence in my life I look towards the future with anticipation. I don't know what the future holds for me but I know who holds my future and oh yes, I do love, know and trust the One who's leading.

Visit Iris at Sting My Heart for more thoughts ont this weeks topic.

Jun 8, 2007

Count down....

One more week for students and then another week to finish records. Yes! In exactly two weeks my vacation begins and I can hardly wait. My plans...?

I have several new books that I'm looking forward to curling up with. Besides the new, I plan to visit some old friends like Captain Rayford Steel, Buck Williams & Chloe Steel in the Left behind series. I've read the entire series but they're worth reading again.

Also, I'll definitely be reading one or two books from my Grace Livingstone Hill collection again. Beyond the reading,(and some writing projects of course) I don't have a definite plan yet but for now that seems like heaven!

Jun 1, 2007

A Little Girl Talk

"Hey Dawn, what's up?" asked Elaine as she walked towards her best friend who was sitting on her front porch. "What are you reading?" she continued as she saw Dawn looking intently at something.

"The latest issue of GT."

"Oh, it's out already? Did you get me one? What's in it this time?”
"I was just reading that the next issue is the seventh anniversary issue."

"Wow! Time really flies!"

"Yeah, do you remember when we started getting Girl Talk back in fifth grade?"
"We felt so grown up getting a teen girl magazine."

"Now look at us, almost all grown up."

"Uhhmm, Girl Talk really feels like an old friend. It’s helped me a lot through the years," replied Elaine.

"What helped you most?" asked Dawn.

“Remember the interview with Tinnyse Johnson?”

"Yeah" Dawn replied.

"Well after hearing her talk about how she brought up her GPA from a 1.9 in tenth grade to a 2.99 before graduation it made me want to try harder especially after reading some of the things she went through. What about you?" she asked Dawn.

"I really liked Vinzanna Patrick because she was in it twice. I remember the first time she was in she was so real! She was in twelfth grade and she talked about being punished by her parents for sneaking out to a party. It showed that the Spotlight Teens aren't perfect, just girls like us. I also liked the follow up interview where she's following her dream in college.” Dawn replied.


“What about articles?” Dawn continued
“I like the one with the mother who wrote in response to a story,” Elaine responded, “remember where the daughter was supposed to be going to class but went to the movies with her boyfriend instead?”

"That one was good,” Dawn laughed.” “I bet her daughter wouldn't try that."

"Girl, if she did I wouldn't like to be in her shoes” Elaine shivered dramatically.

“Lanie you know your Mommy is just as bad,” Dawn joked. “Wait a minute I think that lady has something in here too; it's called, The Issue of Trust, From a Mother's Perspective.

“Hmmm, that sounds interesting." Elaine said. “And you’re right Dawn, Mommy is worse. I speak from experience, remember Dion?”

"Yeah, aren’t you lucky you lived to tell the tale” Dawn joked “. What’s your favorite piece of advice from GT?” she continued.

“That's easy,” replied Elaine, “I memorized it remember the Jennifer Hudson article?”

“Yep, did you know she won an Oscar???”

“Of course girl, we watched it together remember?”

“That was you I watched it with?”

“Oh stop being silly, now back to my favorite piece of advice.”
“Believe in yourself; believe in your dreams Believe that you CAN succeed! Believe that if you work hard there’s nothing you can’t do
Dawn quietly joined in with Elaine,
There’s power in belief young lady, Believe that God will make your dreams come true.”
“I really hope GT stays around for a long, long time. Dawn said quietly, “I'll probably be reading when I'm 30.”

“Me too,” Elaine said as both girls sat silently for a moment.
"Okay now enough talk,” Elaine said breaking the silence. “Did you get a copy for me?"

"You know it girl!" Dawn passed Elaine her copy and they settled down to read the latest issue of Girl Talk.

On time...

I finally finished the new issue of Girl Talk. This is the first time in at least a year that I actually finished and got everything copied, sorted and stapled on time. Hopefully I'll be able to keep meeting my own deadlines in the future. (I won't bet on it though I'd probably lose.)

I've decided to start updating Girl Talk's website again but I'll still be posting some of the articles here.