Jun 18, 2007

Times of Refreshing

I wrote a piece on Solitude in December for the Carnival of Beauty and I thought I'd repost it since it fit the quote for this week's In Other Words.

Maybe it stems from being number eight in a brood of eight. Maybe it’s because growing up in a large family I’ve always had to “fight” for time alone. Maybe it’s because at times I just enjoy my own company. Whatever the reason, from the time I was a child until this very moment I have always craved, seek and fought for my moments of solitude.

I enjoy being able to be alone to reflect, to meditate on the word of God, to curl up and visit old friends through the pages of a good book, listen to music, sing dance or just sit and enjoy the silence and the peacefulness of my self-imposed solitude.

I find that the times of solitude is a necessity in my life. It gives me time to rejuvenate when I’ve given all I can for a time. It helps me to reflect on some of the blessings in my life, family, friends, possessions, peace of mind, health strength… It also renews me for when it’s all over.

I’ve also found out that one of the most beautiful thing about solitude is knowing that when I want it to end all I have to do is take a walk outside or simply pick up the phone and dial a number. That’s the beauty of solitude; knowing that it isn’t forever. Friends, family, company are only a phone call away.


Note... Although I love my times of solitude there have been times when I've battled loneliness, still do. However I've learnt even in my times of loneliness to reach out to my heavenly Father. Afterall, He's promised never to leave me alone.

"As Christians, we are called to convert our loneliness into solitude. We are called to experience our aloneness not as a wound but as a gift--as God's gift--so that in our aloneness we might discover how deeply we are loved by God."

~ Henri Nouwen ~

Visit Christine at Fruit in Season for more thoughts on this week's quote.


  1. Thanks for posting on this quote. Eighth of eight! I should say you deserve some solitude!! It's wonderful that you enjoy it and are able to reach out to God when it becomes loneliness instead.

  2. So true, that solitude is necessary in life to rejuvenate and refresh ourselves. I learned this lesson early in my life the hard way, thinking that every minute needed to be filled with something or someone! Great post.

  3. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I will never leave you or forsake you - even in the lonely times.

    Great post. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Really enjoyed your post, thanks for sharing.

  5. Beatiful post. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Anonymous7:44 AM


    I have always sought solitude too. It is surprising how many introverts write. It is my favorite form of communication. I don't have to share my thoughts until they are fully formed.

    Family... my Dad had 4 brothers and five sisters. He was in the middle. I have over 50 first cousins. Being with my family is still the only time I feel comfortable in a big crowd. :o)

  7. Anonymous9:44 AM

    #7 of 8 here! And #8 is my twin brother.

    I hear you on the times of solitude and the phone call away. The blessings and curses of a large family.

    Although the blessings far outweigh the curses!

    Great post.

  8. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Lana G. is my baby sister, I'm #4 of 8. Thanks for your post today and for reminding us of His promises! blessings...

  9. You are right - there is a huge difference in solitude and loneliness. I think that one can be lonely in a room fully of people - know what I mean? Well, it has happened to me before.
    Solitude is something I draw from to seek strength, peace and refreshment.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on loneliness and solitude.

    Blessings to you and yours.
