Mar 3, 2008

Five Kind Things

My friend Denise tagged me with this meme. Here are the rules: 1. List five kind things you do for yourself. List five kind things you do for your closest friend, partner or child. List five kind things you have done for a stranger.2. Tag five people.Five Kind things I do for myself

1. Spend time in prayer.
2. curl up with a good book
3. give myself pedicures
4. write poetry
5. write in my journal

Five things I do for my family or friends

1. Listen when they need a listening ear
2. send them an email when they need cheering up
3. baby sit
4. pray for them
5. Invite them over.

Five things I have done for a stranger

1. Pray for them or one of their family members.
2. Witness to them
3. Let someone out of a corner when driving.
4. Publish a magazine that reaches teens I’ll probably never meet.
5. Given up my place in line if someone’s really in a hurry.

If you enjoy doing memes then tag, you’re it.


  1. Thanks for playing along sweetie, love you.

  2. I pray too that you can write that teen magazine. They want hope and relationship.

    Lord, open the doors wide.
