Mar 20, 2008

My Embarrassing Moment

From a mother’s perspective

I had what I considered an embarrassing experience one Saturday. It was at a funeral service for a colleague of mine who had been murdered. During the pre-service the podium was opened to anyone who wanted to offer words of condolences to the family.

As I sat in my seat I went over mentally what I wanted to say. So confidently I rose from my seat without a prepared text and proceeded to podium. Once at the podium I opened my mouth to speak and I became overwhelmed, not only by grief but by all those eyes staring back me and believe it or not every thought and the beautiful tribute I had mentally prepared went clear out of my mind. I mumbled a few words, (few of which I remember even now) and with a feeling of humiliation I returned to my seat feeling about two inches tall.

I considered this experience a bad one because, public speaking is something I enjoy and whenever given an opportunity I usually raise to the occasion. What was different this time? I asked myself this question during my time of reflection and my daughters these are some of the conclusions I came to.

Firstly, always prepare. Because I enjoy public speaking I completely downplayed the need to prepare. What made preparation of even great importance is that this would have been my first time speaking at a funeral where I was emotionally impacted without some guide lines.

The second thing I learned was always put things in perspective. Even thought I felt that my speech “stank to high heaven” can you believe that there were people there who thought that I had done a good job? I was surprised to say the least. Initially I wanted to hang my head in embarrassment, but after reflecting and getting a few opinions, I realized that my speech was not great, but in the words of trusted friend “it was a good effort.’’

Yes for me this was a bad experience but I was not deterred from, or soured on public speaking. I choose instead to use my “embarrassing moment” as a learning experience, something I will always remember, and will grow from.

So young ladies when you visit the “School of Embarrassment,” like me or when faced with a bad experience, look at it for what it’s worth and see what lesson is in it that you can learn from; get an opinion from a trusted friend or a mentor who will be truthful.

My daughters not matter what you are faced with always remember that you are wonderfully made by God and he will see you through, because you are precious in His sight.

Until next time continue to enjoy girltalk and always put God first.
Love you lots!!!!!!

By Cleora Williams
GT March/May 08


  1. Bless you sweetie.

  2. That is so true - we are always faces with 'firsts' in our lifetime. But even the embarrassing moments can become a tool for the future.

    Thank you for sharing from your friend's experience.

    Blessings to you and yours - He is Risen!
