Jun 11, 2009

Publisher's Note

Publisher’s note

Dear Young Lady,

Is it just me or is this year really flying by? For most students and teachers June, the ending part anyway is by far the favorite month of the year. Why? It marks the beginning of the idyllic days of summer. Like you, I can hardly wait!

This month marks the 9th anniversary of Girl Talk. Can you believe it? Next year Girl Talk will be in the double digits. In no time at all Girl Talk will be a teenager just like some of you. Like your parents probably do when they look at you I’m now wondering, “Where did the time go?”

Since next June will be GT’s tenth anniversary I will be including one item from earlier issues of Girl Talk in this and the next few issues. Also, hopefully I’ll be able to do a few updates on some of Girl Talk’s past Spotlight Teens.

If you’re a long time GT reader, be sure to check out the story on page 9, you’ll never guess who’s graduating from high school after nine years :). Don’t worry though, it’s not the end, I’m sure they’ll drop in to visit again.

Now back to summer, one of the things I always take time to do during the summer is read a few books. This summer one of the books on my list is Do Hard Things by Alex & Brett Harris, twins who wrote the book when they were 18 years old. I’ve heard so much about it that I decided to read it. I’ll tell you about it in September. Until next time…

God bless,
Bernadine J. McIntosh

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