Jul 27, 2009

Summers are for Writing

I know I said summers are for reading, but for me summers are for writing also… Along with my list of books to read I usually have a writing project going on in the summer.

This summer I’m working on a project that I started a few months ago after I spoke to a young ladies group. I spoke on the topic, Becoming the Girl of His Dream. Because of the positive feedback I decided to expand it into a Bible Study for individual or group discussion. Here’s an excerpt from the introduction...

Dear girls,
What do you dream about? You know the kind of dreaming I’m talking about, the kind where you write in your diary or talk with your friends, or just sitting and daydreaming, fantasizing about the woman you want to become, the type of lifestyle you want to live… beautiful clothes, big house, cool cars, a handsome guy…

For some unexplainable reason, before young ladies even know what it means to truly love we are in love with the idea of love, of finding the “guy” of our dreams, riding off into the sunset and living happily ever after. However in our dreams do we ever evaluate ourselves to see if we are the girl of his dreams?

Did I peak your interest? Well keep reading and I’ll tell you a secret that will help you in your quest to become the girl of his dreams. If I’m remembering my teenage years correctly, you probably already have a picture of the cute guy at school in your mind. Nevertheless before you get too excited, the “HIS” I’m talking about, it isn’t the guy you’re probably thinking about. Before we can become the girl of some guy’s dreams we need to become the girls of our heavenly father’s dream… Does that sound weird to you?

Do you know that God has bigger dreams for you than you can ever have for yourself?

Jeremiah 29:11 states:
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (NIV)

Your creator has big plans for you. He wants you to have a great future. He has such high hopes for you that before you were even created he designed a plan for your life. He created you for a purpose. You were destined to be a young lady of excellence, integrity and impeccable character. He wants you to achieve your dreams. But first, He wants you to be the girl of His dream. By now you’re probably thinking, “God has a dream girl? I wonder, what’s His type?” Well join me in this quest and let’s find out…

I’d love to hear your opinion on the following…

What characteristics do you think God’s dream girl would have?

How can someone become God's dream girl?

Photo credit: Microsoft clipart


  1. Wow, Bernadine - that sounds awesome - your project. Are you going to put this into print for the young ladies? That would be so cool...

    God's dream girl? That is a great question. I think that one of the characteristics would be to trust HIM - no matter what...I have still work on that part, and I am far from being a girl anymore :)

  2. Excellent. Summer is a good time for writing.

    Love the idea of becoming God's dream girl. Sweet!

    Characteristics of one: the sky is the limit as long as they are godly ones

  3. Anonymous10:52 PM

    This is a wonderful post. I love the sentence, "Before we can become the girl of some guy’s dreams we need to become the girls of our heavenly father’s dream". I am going to use that with my daughter when she is older.

    I think one important characteristic is self-control.

    BTW, I gave you a blog nod over at my place!

  4. Simply beautiful as I too am learning to dream with God. Delighted to find you today. Hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit.

    Blessings from Costa Rica,
    Sarah Dawn

  5. Such a great idea.
