Jan 22, 2010

The Obedience Test

I'm over here today.

Do you still have that godly awe and reverence for God? When His Holy Spirit is nudging you do you obey? I’ll be the first to admit, it’s not always easy to obey, especially if what I’m being asked to do is something that is out of my comfort zone. However, obedience is what God expects, period. Do stop by to read my thoughts on obedience.


  1. Enjoyed your devotion.

  2. Marvelous devotion, Bernadine :) - May I always trust and obey.

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I needed to read your devotion this evening! Thank you!!!

  4. Thanks for reminding us. It's true, it's not always easy, but if God is asking us to do something, He's alreayd given us the strength to do it. :)
