Jan 7, 2010

Walls... Protection or Prison?

A hurtful word,
An unkind look,
A friend’s betrayal,
A painful loss,

Brick by brick,
The wall was built,
Till no one dared,
To enter in.

Several had tried,
But turned away
Wondering why such beauty
Was locked away

But persistently,
One dared to try
To breech the wall,
To claim the treasure inside

A kind word…
A thoughtful gesture…

A crack appears

A reassuring smile…
A helping hand…

The crack widens
The wall weakens

Behind the wall,
She realizes
She’d imprisoned herself
From the beauty outside

Love chipping from without
She reaching from within

Destroyed the walls
Freeing the prisoner inside

There she stood…


But oh so hopeful…
Oh so free…
Opened to the world of God’s possibilities

Love had persisted
Love had won

The snare was broken
She had escaped
Because of Love’s saving grace

We have escaped like a bird out of the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken and we have escaped. Psalm 124:7

We build walls for protection but often end up imprisoning ourselves. God did not intend for us to live timidly behind self imposed walls but to boldly and fearlessly embrace His plans for our lives.

Be sure to stop by my friend Iris’ blog on Monday Jan 11. She’ll be starting a series called Living Fearlessly.


  1. That was beautiful, Bernadine and is a truthful depiction of what can happen if boundaries become walls!

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Oh how do you always make me cry! This is an amazing poem! So beautiful and powerful!!!

    BTW, I am not sure if you write fiction but I am hosting a Christian Fiction Blog Carnival and would love for you to participate!!! All are welcomed!

    -Alisa Hope

  3. Amen! Beautiful gifts from God that I celebrate within you! I found you on 'Sanctified Together' as a contributing writer..I'm so glad I stopped by! I love what you wrote, "We build walls for protection but often end up imprisoning ourselves. God did not intend for us to live timidly behind self imposed walls but to boldly and fearlessly embrace His plans for our lives."
    Live Life and Love Abundantly In Christ!

  4. You are right, Bernadine. We often build the walls to 'protect' our hearts and feelings. I have learned to only please One -- so I can step out fearlessly not worrying what others might think or say.

    Love & peace,
