Apr 15, 2010

Saints Where Are Your Prayers?

Heaven’s Host are standing by
War has been declared
The enemy forces grow in strength
Saints where are your prayers?

This battle is not yet over
The war has just begun
This is no time to slow the pace
Saints we need your prayers!

Heaven’s Host are fighting on your behalf
Their victory depends on you
This is not the time to give up
Saints its time to pray!

It’s time to pray without ceasing
As 1 Thessalonians 5:17 declares
The victory is yours for the taking
Saints let us pray!

I wrote this poem quite a few years ago after reading Frank Peretti's book This Present Darkness. There was a scene in the book where the Hosts of Heaven were fighting demonic forces. However, the Christians were distracted and not praying hence, the angels were getting pummeled because they gained their strength from the prayers of the saints.

The question, “Saints where are your prayers?” uttered from the angel’s mouth stayed with me long after I’d finished the book.

Photo courtesy of www.123rf.com


  1. Oh I love this poem! It is so powerful. I could feel my pulse rate increasing while I read it!!!

    I read This Present Darkness a long time ago when I was still a baby Christian. I should pick a copy up and read it again.

    You are an amazing poet Bernadine!!!

  2. Powerful poem, Bernadine. Thank you for the reminder we cannot let up our prayers. I haven't read the book you mentioned. I think I have it though. I'm not much of a fiction reader. But I have heard great things about the way Peretti shows us the spiritual battle. It's good to be aware and on guard and armed. Prayer is our best, most lethal weapon.

    Thanks for sharing. Thankful still for your ministry to teen girls.

  3. You so right, Bernadine. There is indeed a spiritual war going on, but some people that is just imagination. I love the poem you wrote - thank you for sharing it.

    Now I have to dig out my copy of Frank Peretti's book - I remember I truly enjoyed reading it :)

    Love & peace,
    <>< Iris

  4. Hi Bernadine,

    I appreciate your visit to my blog and your warm words. I am returning the visit. Your blog is very nice.

    The subject of PRAYER is especially important and of urgency to me as a believer in and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ so I agree with your beautiful, powerful and necessary poem.

    I look forward to visiting again with you and getting to know you better. I see some of my sweet friends on your blog like Tiffany & Joanne so I look forward to getting to know another sweet sister -- you!

  5. And Iris, Alisa and Dena...to name a few more. (smile)
