Apr 27, 2010

Saying Goodbye

In another month I’ll be saying goodbye to my teen girl magazine.

The thing is saying goodbye is hard.

I’ve been publishing Girl Talk since June 2000, almost a third of my life.

I feel like it’s time to take a break I don’t know if it’s six months, one year or forever and therein lies the uncertainty.

How do you say goodbye to something that you didn’t plan on giving up?

My desire remains the same, to reach, encourage, inspire and point young ladies to Christ.

I know my Heavenly father has a plan as to what I should do next and I know He’ll reveal it in His time.


  1. So sad with you my friend. But then again there might be other opportunities for you in sharing Christ with the young women around you :)

    Love & peace,
    <>< Iris

  2. I bet this is so tough for you. I know you have blessed many young ladies with your encouraging words. I'm excited to see God's next step for you. I'll be praying for you as you make this transition.

  3. I can only imagine how many lives God has used you to touch!

    May Christ give you wisdom and direction so that you will clearly understand His Will.

    I will be praying for you during this bittersweet time.

    Love in Christ,


  4. I might be tough at first, but I'm sure God will turn this time into an even more fruitful one. :)

    Just to let you know, I'm doing a book giveaway on my blog this week that you might enjoy. :)
