I was out for a Sunday drive recently with my cousin and her daughters, one of whom happen to be my very cute goddaughter.
While my cousin and I were chatting in the front I happened to glance in the back and saw the sweetest sight... my goddaughter looking like a little angel, still in her church outfit had fallen fast asleep. As luck would have it, I had my camera with me because I couldn't resist taking a photo of such a perfect picture of innocence and complete trust.
Later as I looked at the photo I thought that it told a story without saying a word. My gooddaughter fell asleep knowing that she was safe and surrounded by people who loved her. Oh what trust. Her photo reminded me that God's word tells us that "unless we become as a little child we cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven." He expects us to have the same childlike faith in him that children have in their parents. In fact he reminds us to "cast all our cares upon him because he cares about us."
So, I encourage you to put all the things that concern you in God's hands. Put a picture in your mind this week of the little children you may see and the trust they display. Remember that God wants us to display that same trust in him.
She looks sweet...and its true what you say about about having the same child like faith that children have in their parents.