Jun 23, 2006

Congratulations Graduates

Graduation.... the month of June brings so many bittersweet and happy memories for many students. June is a time of endings but also beginnings. The ending of one phase in your life but the beginning of another. I would like to congratulate all the new graduates and wish you God's blessings as you enter a new phase in your life. I'd also you like to leave with you the ABC's for ladies that I wrote for Girl Talk magazine about two years ago.


  1. Dear Bernadine,

    Thank you for commenting on my artwork at my blog. You seem like a very kind christian person and I would love to add your blog to my links, so please let me know. I think that young ladies need a lot of encouragement and fellowship in this day and age, so kudos to you for being a light to them!

  2. Hi Bernadine,

    I added your blog and replied to your question about my art! Thanks for letting me add your blog. I especially liked the ABC's!
