Sep 5, 2006

Graduation Prayer

September... month of new beginnings. Graduation is over for many of you and some of you are looking forward to June 2007 when you'll be the one wearing the cap and gown.

I know the graduation season is over for this year, but I found a prayer that I wrote a few days before my high school graduation and I thought I'd share it with you.

My Graduation Prayer of Thanks

Dear Lord

As I am about to graduate from high school I just want to take this time to thank you for getting me so far. I know that it is only through your saving grace that I have come this far. Jesus as I am about to go into the world I just want you to keep me under your protection. Just keep your eyes on me and never let me ought of your sight because without your presence in my life I would be lost. I love you Jesus

Written June 22, 1990

Note: He's answered that prayer and He's still keeping me under his protection. He'll keep you too if you'll ask Him and trust him.

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