Apr 5, 2007

The Easter Story

Here's a story I think you should know
It happened a long, long time ago
So relax your mind and picture this

A rocky road lined with a joyful crowd
Shouting hosanna to the Son of God

He rode on a donkey, surrounded by those
Excited to be near the King of the Jews

They threw their cloaks, and branches from trees
They screamed 'til their voices were merely squeaks.

They entered Jerusalem with a triumphant shout
"Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."

Now picture this a few days later,
Another procession but the mood's now somber...
As they followed the Savior to a place called Golgotha

They saw him nailed to a wooden cross
Between two thieves, one who mocked and scoffed
"You saved others now save yourself!"

On that wooden cross on Golgotha's hill
My Lord died for your sins and mine.

But hey now, let's not be sad!
Three days later he defeated death,
An empty tomb stands witness to this.

Two angels stood guard at the tomb on that day and said
"Jesus of Nazareth is not here, He's risen today!"

Not long after that the saga continued
Jesus ascended to heaven
Where he sits at the right of God's throne

But wait a minute now, the story's not finished
Jesus is in heaven now, but He's coming back again
The question is, are you ready for the big event?

Happy Easter everyone!
God bless

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Beautiful account of the passion week.

    Blessings to you and yours this Easter weekend, Bernadine.
