Jul 1, 2007

A word for the discouraged

Through out time God has watched
And listened to his children as they
Came to him with tear streaked faces
And questioning eyes

He has watched sadly and sometimes
Quietly as they left his presence
With heavy hearts and shoulders slumped
Thinking he hadn’t heard their petitions

He has closed his eves in quiet pain
As yet another whispered, why Lord?
Why? Reached his ear. He’s listened sadly
To the cries of when? Lord when will it all end

The night has been long and hard
The enemy has used the covering of darkness
To bring confusion fear, anger and depression

In the darkness it seems as if you have nothing
In the darkness it is easy to doubt God.
It is human to doubt in the darkness because
With the physical eyes you can’t see any way out

But God has seen, He’s listened and now
He’s saying to someone, Morning has broken
He is saying I am with you even in the darkness
When all seem bleak I am here. I will never leave you
nor forsake you. Trust in me my child. Morning has broken.

1 comment:

  1. Bernadine, that is so beautiful. Did you write this?
    Thank you so much for sharing it. I needed that this afternoon.
