Oct 7, 2007

On Being Behind With One's Reading

Junior bit the meter man
Junior kicked the cook
Junior’s antisocial now
(According to the book)

Junior smashed the clock and lamp.
Junior hacked the tree.
(Destructive trends are treated
In chapters two and three)

Junior threw his milk at mom.
Junior screamed for more.
(Notes on self-assertiveness
Are found in chapter 4.)

Junior got in Grandpops room
Tore up his fishing line.
That’s to gain attention
(see page 89)

Grand pop seized a slipper and
Yanked Junior ‘cross his knee
(Grandpa hasn’t read a book since 1893)

(taken from The sword Scrapbook)

For more Sunday Smiles visit Lynn at Spiritually Unequal Marriage.


  1. This made me laugh, thanks.

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    This is GOOD!

    I am smiling. Thanks for joining in. I am so glad you do.

