Oct 28, 2007

Walking in the Spirit of Excellence - Conclusion

There are so many areas that I covered during my Becoming a Women of Excellence bible study. However if I try to cover them all I’ll be here another three weeks lol. Some of them included discipline, discretion & wisdom, all areas I’m still growing in. I gained much strength and encouragement in my Christian walk as I worked through the study. I would highly recommend the study to anyone who is interested in the topic of excellence.(My somewhat battered copy is pictured)

These are some of the things that stood out most for me as I worked through the Bible study and studied the life of Daniel. As you can see there’s a lot that God requires of us as we walk in the spirit of excellence. However he also blesses us with a lot. When we walk in excellence:

1. We attract attention.
a. We attract God’s attention. He studies us, he walks with us and he brags on us.

b. We attract man’s attention. Daniel attracted the king’s attention and was promoted because of the spirit of excellence that was upon him.

2. Excellence inspires change. When you walk in excellence you will inspire others to do likewise. Daniel inspired the king with his spirit of excellence and his faith in his God.

As Christian women we are in a unique position to change our homes, our workplaces and our society simply by the way we conduct ourselves. The eyes of our families, peers, our coworkers and our communities are upon us. Our walk with God should inspire them to change their own path in life if they're not following God's path. Hence we should always strive for excellence because we want the best for others and ourselves. God has given us the mandate, to walk in the spirit of excellence. Are you willing? What are you willing to sacrifice? How are you willing to change your life to fit into his definition of excellence? Are you ready to forget the world’s standard and live up to his standards?

Note: Daniel was not one a part of the actual Bible Study, however since I was actually studying his life when I started the study I found myself referring to him often.


  1. Thanks for sharing this, I really enjoyed it my friend.

  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    AWESOME! :) I found you through your comment on my blog (Musings of a Christian Teen) Thanks SO MUCH for stopping by. I can't wait to check out Girl Talk. :)


  3. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I just spent some time on KIR...Girl Talk. You have a GREAT site there. Keep reaching out! There is no doubt in my mind, that you *are* touching lives, girl! :)Keep going!


  4. I studied Daniel many moons ago and I was so intrigued by him... I would so love to go back there and do that again....

    I would love for you to do a study and let me follow along... smile

  5. Having completed the Beth Moore study on Daniel...I can see exactly why you kept thinking of him and his devoted life to God as you did this study on "becoming a woman of excellence". I have seen this study before---but haven't bought it...sounds like one I absolutely should look into getting!
    Your blog is so neat---encouraging and uplifting. I have been here before and enjoyed myself in reading your heart for others. I came today by way of the LWG post. Be blessed Bernadine! You are a blessing to me!
