Jan 7, 2008

The Last First

Today is officially the last first day in 2008 (does that even make sense?). After today, (the first Monday) it’s just a recycle of days and if we allow ourselves the excitement of “firsts” will began to wane and the days will begin to become routine. Don’t let it.

This year let’s be determined to find the good in every day and every situation. Most of us usually enter the New Year with great expectancy and eagerness, however as the days, weeks and months pass and life does not happen the way we planned we sometimes get disappointed. As a result, we simply start wishing that time would go faster so we can get past a certain phase and “begin” again. However, each new day brings its own unique problems and challenges. As much as we may wish for tomorrow there’s no guarantee that tomorrow will be any better unless we decide that we are going to make the best of today.

So for the rest of this year let’s decide to make the most of each day that God allows us to see. Let’s seize the day and rejoice in the God of our salvation. I’m sure we’ll have a better year because of it.


  1. Amen to that, Bernadine. I so agree - God gives us a fresh start every morning - not only on January 1st :) Lets seize the day; rejoice and be glad - this is the day the Lord has made.

  2. AMEN!!!!

    I made a resolution when my youngest was born to take each day and cherish it
    Children grow so fast

    one day at a time Lord


  3. I have an award for you on my blog
    Jen at http://my3boysandi.wordpress.com/

  4. Amen to this sweet one.
