Dear Young Lady,
The year is almost half gone already. Is time speeding up or what?
In case you were wondering, I didn’t put out a March issue of GT so I simply decided to combine the March and June issues hence, the two Spotlight Teens.
If you saw the December issue of Girl Talk you know that after this issue which marks GT’s 10th anniversary Girl Talk will be going on hiatus. I still don’t know whether it’s permanent or temporary but I’m open to whatever God puts in my heart to do.
In thinking about this issue I wondered, “What would I say to my readers if this is to indeed be the final Girl Talk.” I’ll admit it’s a bit hard. You’ve become like family to me. I’ve met many of you, heard your stories, cried with you, celebrated your triumphs, and seen you grow from insecure teenagers to beautiful, confident and ambitious young women.
Then there are those of you I’ve never met in person but who would email me and ask, “When is the next Girl Talk coming out?” When are you going to write about a, b or c? or simply, “I enjoy reading Girl Talk, keep it up.
All of these things have encouraged me to publish Girl Talk over the past ten years. And truly I’ve learned so much from you in the process.
There’s a quote that says, “There are no good-byes, where ever we are, you’ll always be in my heart.” This states just what I feel. You’ll always be in my heart young lady. I’ll always pray for you, celebrate you, cheer you on. I know that there is a woman of excellence inside of you and I trust that you will allow God to work in your heart and life that you will become that godly woman he has predestined you to be.
Since I can’t find the words to say goodbye I’ll simply say, until we meet again, remember God loves you and don’t ever forget how very special you are…
God bless,
Bernadine J. McIntosh
GT June 2010
May God sweetly bless you.