Jan 13, 2010

He'll Take You Through

Have you ever listened to a song that ministered to you so much that you just put it on repeat and let it play so that the words can sink into your spirit?

This song by the Crabb Family had that effect on me this evening and I just wanted to share it with you.


He'll Take You Through

So many times I've questioned certain circumstances
Or things I could not understand
Many times in trials, weakness blurs my vision
And my frustration gets so out of hand
It’s then I am reminded I've never been forsaken
I've never had to stand the test alone
As I look at all the victories
The spirit rises up in me
And its through the fire my weakness is made strong

He never promised that the cross would not get heavy
And the hill would not be hard to climb
He never offered our victories without fighting
But He said help would always come in time
Just remember when you’re standing in the valley of decision
And the adversary says give in
Just hold on, our Lord will show up
And He will take you through the fire again

I know within myself that I would surely perish
But if I trust the hand of God, He'll shield the flames again, again
(The Crabb Family)


  1. What marvelous lyrics :) ...

    Yes, the journey sure is not easy, but the victory is won by our Lord and Savior :)

    Thank you for sharing...

    And yes, I have plenty of song I listen over and over so the word will sink in :)

  2. I love that He is always watching over us and He will take us thru anything that comes our way!

  3. The lyrics that really spoke to me were: "He never offered our victories without fighting
    But He said help would always come in time"

    Thank you for this, Bernadine.

  4. Great song. Powerful lyrics.
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. You have blessed me tonight with this song!
