Jan 11, 2010

Sanctified Together Publication

Interested in reading a new Christian publication that will bless your socks off?

Sanctified Together Publication is filled with inspirational and encouraging articles written by Christian women from various backgrounds. Our prayer is that you are encouraged, inspired and blessed by this publication! Please share it with all the women in your life!!!

To see the Sanctified Together Publication online and read all the inspiring articles, click here
. To receive future publications by email, click here.

Be sure to visit Alisa & Crissy the inspiration and driving force behind this new venture.


  1. Anonymous11:13 PM

    God is so good, and I love the way He linked you to the publication!!!

    I can't wait for you to write an article. You bless me with your encouraging words!

  2. That is very cool that you are a contributing writer for "Sanctified Together Publication" :) - Congratulations.
