June 1, 2010 I published the last issue (at least for a while) of Girl Talk my teen girl magazine. Since this blog was originally designed for the purpose of publishing weekly devotions for the magazine and later the magazine itself I decided to create another blog that isn’t connected to Girl Talk.

I’ll probably still publish book reviews or other items here now and again but you’ll more often find me at Trusting Him with Today. I hope you’ll stop by

Jun 7, 2010

Are You God's Girl?

G- giving
O – original
D – discerning
‘S- sincere

G – generous
I –industrious
R – reliable
L - loyal

GT June 2010


Anonymous said...

oh, oh... Boys not allowed??
Have a nice day, anyway..
Greetings from Malaysia, Bahamas...

Denise said...

I love you sweet friend.

LisaShaw said...

Love that!!! Beautiful photo also!

Nothing like being GOD'S GIRL!!! at any age (smile).

Love you.

Unknown said...

Awesome! This is something I will definitely teach my daughter!!!

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