June 1, 2010 I published the last issue (at least for a while) of Girl Talk my teen girl magazine. Since this blog was originally designed for the purpose of publishing weekly devotions for the magazine and later the magazine itself I decided to create another blog that isn’t connected to Girl Talk.

I’ll probably still publish book reviews or other items here now and again but you’ll more often find me at Trusting Him with Today. I hope you’ll stop by

Feb 13, 2008

The Ultimate Valentine

For Love Alone

For love alone my savior hung
Upon the rugged cross of Calvary
With open arms of love stretched wide
To embrace this sinful world
Men, women, boys and girls.

He hung there with a crown of thorns
Upon his head, and nail pierced
Hands and feet stained red
Yet through swollen lips He said
Father, forgive them

All alone my savior hung there,
With no one to protest his fate
His father forsook him,
His friends denied him,
Yet for love alone he hung there…dying

For love alone he paid the price
Became a living sacrifice
Wounded, battered and bruise
For our sins was he
Yet he did so willingly.


Denise said...

This is very lovely, thanks for sharing my friend. Happy valentines day.

Unknown said...


For love alone he paid the price
Became a living sacrifice..

Oh Amen... This is beautiful and perfect timing for me. Love you,

eph2810 said...

Bernadine - you always write the most beautiful poems :) Thank you so much for sharing His love with us.

Blessings to you and yours...

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