Without meaning to I seem to have started a “Summers are for…” series:).
The best thing about summer vacations is the fact that I have more time to spend with my heavenly father. Although I have set time to spend with God when I’m working, summer vacation gives me bonus time to spend with Him and I do try to take advantage of it.
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16If we look at the example that Jesus set for us you’ll notice that He always found time to talk to His heavenly father. Spending time with God for me means spending time reading and studying His word and spending time in prayer.
As a teenager reading and studying the Bible took effort, for but it wasn’t as difficult as prayer sometimes was. I mean, how do you talk to the God of the universe? What do you say to Him on a daily basis? However, I remember my mother would always tell me, “
Bernie, prayer is just talking to God. Talk to him just like you’d talk to me or you talk to your friends. He just wants you to talk to him.” Those words freed me. Okay, I don’t quite talk to God like when my best girlfriends and I are gabbing away but I do talk to Him, all the time.
What I love about God is that I can talk to Him about anything and everything, and I do talk to him about
every little thing. I even talk to him about those times when I can’t get my hair done just the way I want it :). There is nothing too big or too small for me to take to him.
Summers are usually my times of refreshing, spiritually, mentally and physically… Did I mention I love summer (minus the extremely high temperature of course)?
What do you love about summer?