An inspirational, informative and practical blog For the young & young at heart
June 1, 2010 I published the last issue (at least for a while) of Girl Talk my teen girl magazine. Since this blog was originally designed for the purpose of publishing weekly devotions for the magazine and later the magazine itself I decided to create another blog that isn’t connected to Girl Talk.
I’ll probably still publish book reviews or other items here now and again but you’ll more often find me at Trusting Him with Today. I hope you’ll stop by
Do you still have that godly awe and reverence for God? When His Holy Spirit is nudging you do you obey? I’ll be the first to admit, it’s not always easy to obey, especially if what I’m being asked to do is something that is out of my comfort zone. However, obedience is what God expects, period. Do stop by to read my thoughts on obedience.
“Do you ever noticed that when everything is going well time goes by quickly and it’s those days when you’re experiencing difficulties that seem so long and drawn out?” A friend recently asked me.
Simple question… but I’d never really thought about it that way.
It got me to thinking, looking back at 2009 which period seemed never ending and which period just went by in an instant? Sadly, that the periods that dragged by comes to mind more quickly…
Why is that?
In reading through an old journal I found these words I wrote, somehow they still seemed appropriate.
Pressing toward the Goal
13 .…but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past andlooking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Philippians 3:12-14 NLT (emphasis mine )
Forgetting the past… (Am I focusing too much on the past?)
Looking forward to what lies ahead… (Am I focusing on the good in life?)
I press… (What goal am I pressing towards?)
In this scripture the Apostle Paul lets us know that unless we forget and let go of the past we are not able to advance in Christ. Advancement comes when we are so focused on what is in front of us we leave ourselves no time to worry about the past and allow it to control what we do.
Jesus wants to be the biggest thing in our lives, not what happened five or ten years ago or even yesterday…
Have you ever listened to a song that ministered to you so much that you just put it on repeat and let it play so that the words can sink into your spirit?
This song by the Crabb Family had that effect on me this evening and I just wanted to share it with you.
He'll Take You Through
So many times I've questioned certain circumstances Or things I could not understand Many times in trials, weakness blurs my vision And my frustration gets so out of hand It’s then I am reminded I've never been forsaken I've never had to stand the test alone As I look at all the victories The spirit rises up in me And its through the fire my weakness is made strong
Chorus: He never promised that the cross would not get heavy And the hill would not be hard to climb He never offered our victories without fighting But He said help would always come in time Just remember when you’re standing in the valley of decision And the adversary says give in Just hold on, our Lord will show up And He will take you through the fire again
Bridge: I know within myself that I would surely perish But if I trust the hand of God, He'll shield the flames again, again (The Crabb Family)
Interested in reading a new Christian publication that will bless your socks off?
Sanctified Together Publication is filled with inspirational and encouraging articles written by Christian women from various backgrounds. Our prayer is that you are encouraged, inspired and blessed by this publication! Please share it with all the women in your life!!!
To see the Sanctified Together Publication online and read all the inspiring articles, click here. To receive future publications by email, click here.
Be sure to visit Alisa & Crissy the inspiration and driving force behind this new venture.
A hurtful word, An unkind look, A friend’s betrayal, A painful loss,
Brick by brick, The wall was built, Till no one dared, To enter in.
Several had tried, But turned away Wondering why such beauty Was locked away
But persistently, One dared to try To breech the wall, To claim the treasure inside
A kind word… A thoughtful gesture…
A crack appears
A reassuring smile… A helping hand…
The crack widens The wall weakens
Behind the wall, She realizes She’d imprisoned herself From the beauty outside
Love chipping from without She reaching from within
Destroyed the walls Freeing the prisoner inside
There she stood…
Defenseless… Scared… Uncertain… But oh so hopeful… Oh so free… Opened to the world of God’s possibilities
Love had persisted Love had won
The snare was broken She had escaped Because of Love’s saving grace
We have escaped like a bird out of the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken and we have escaped. Psalm 124:7
We build walls for protection but often end up imprisoning ourselves. God did not intend for us to live timidly behind self imposed walls but to boldly and fearlessly embrace His plans for our lives.
Be sure to stop by my friend Iris’ blog on Monday Jan 11. She’ll be starting a series called Living Fearlessly.
2010… Wow! I still can’t believe it. As a child of the seventies anything beyond the nineteen hundreds seemed something my mind could not comprehend. But here I am wondering, where did the years go???
Thank you Lord for allowing me to live to see another year
As 2009 drew to a close I decided to do something I don’t really do anymore, that is make a New Year’s resolution.
Usually making New Year’s resolution means setting myself up for failure as I don’t seem to make it past January without going off course but hopefully this year will be different:)
My one New Year’s resolution for 2010…I decided that I’m going to write every single day, in a journal. That doesn’t sound like a big deal I know. But although I always have a journal for my thoughts, I usually write only when then mood strikes me, sometimes every day for a month then not again for a few weeks.
A few hours before midnight on December 31, 2009 I decided to decorate a notebook that I plan to use for my daily thoughts. As I covered it I simply thought, “Lord, what am I going to find to write in this journal every day for an entire year?”
I heard the Holy Spirit whisper… “A year of thankfulness.”
I knew immediately what thoughts were going to fill the pages of my journal. The theme of my journal writing this year will be thankfulness.
Between the pages of that particular journal I won’t reflect on the past or even dream about the future. I will simply record my gratitude for the gift of the present…
As I think about 2009 there are many things that I am thankful for but so many times the painful things are the first to come to mind. However when 2010 comes to a close I will have my year of thankfulness journal as a tangible reminder of God’s goodness towards me.